
Club Officers

There are many people involved in the day-to-day running of the dojo’s affairs. Should you wish to contact Edinburgh Kendo Club for general purposes please send us a message on our facebook page

Edinburgh Kendo Club Facebook Page

or email edinburghkendo@gmail.com

Dojo Role Name
Dojo Leader Dez Whiston
Secretary Martin Migal
Treasurer Xabier Cortés Lavaud
Kid’s Club Leader Martin Migal
Other Members  
Edinburgh University Kendo Club Captain John Frankel
Contact In Japan/Webmaster (日本語) George McCall


EKC logo

A MON is a Japanese heraldric device used in much the same way as it was here in Europe. It is quite common for dojo to sport their own mon, and ours is no exception.

It was designed by a senior member of our dojo at the time – Mikey Rooney – and represents the combination of the Japanese red-sun and a Celtic Knot.

The Japanese characters left the mon on our flag reads “Edinburgh Kendokai” or “Edinburgh Kendo Club.”

Please note that the katakana that we use to represent EDINBURGH is not the standard Japanese version. The normal Japanese sounds like “Ejinbara” but the phonetic that we use is more closely related to how its actually pronounced in Scotland.

The 13th European Kendo Championships MON (1995)

For historical purposes I thought I’d add the mon that was used when Scotland hosted the European Kendo Championships in 1995.

This mon was designed by the then head instructor in Edinburgh – Romilly Squires – and is the combination of a thistle and a men… very Scottish!!

The Future

Our plans for the immediate future are clear: to promote and develop kendo in Edinburgh and Scotland. This will take the form of shinsa success, participation in shiai and seminars, consolidation of the current membership, expansion of the membership base, encouraging visits (from the National Squad and abroad), and building up an “Edinburgh Universities” team. Not least, we would like to keep the strong tradition of Scottish kendoka in the National Squad – the 12th World Kendo Championships were held in Scotland July 2003, and were the second World Championships where an Edinburgh dojo member competed as part of the National Team. We would like to continue to provide kendoka at this level.

(written by George McCall in 2002)